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What I offer is more than
a better way for change

NOBEL PRIZE Winning research
It's based on Nobel Prize-winning research and the resulting

deeper understanding of the human mind


What I do is
also combined with the best and most useful neuroscience.

Science backed

In large scale studies published in Nature* the core methods I use were shown to be

" .. superior" for creating positive change.
*) The scientific journal Nature is highly ranked and widely regarded as one of the most prestigious and influential scientific publications in the world

Uniquely personal
It may sound heavy on the science and complicated BUT ..


I design everything specifically for your unique goals and lifestyle.

No complicated theories, just what works for you.

Man Reading Newspaper
Smiling Young Man

Marius, Project Manager
"I feel grateful to have had the chance to learn with Leif

What I valued the most during our meetings, Leif is incredible at paying attention and can adjust his sessions easily to tackle topics that were currently bugging me.

He really helped me to see and approach things differently.

I truly recommend to try it out, for sure you’ll meet a great personality to learn from!
Thank you Leif!

"Your brain works faster than you think"

Let's make sure it

This is about the
extraordinary Skills of your Mind

and how YOU can
learn to improve these skills

Stanford University
Harvard University
Neuroscience News
Huberman Lab
Scientific American

The information you will find here and in the science blog is generally from one or more of these sources

Let's correct a few things
On the Internet, in popular books and other places there is a lot of misinformation, over-hyped statements, damaging stereotyping and outdated thinking in the field of human brain capabilities.

A magical pill?

No, there is no magic pill that you take and everything is done for you
That is the area of Hollywood, Science fiction and wishful thinking

YES, You put in high quality effort and THEN
you can get great results.

BUT some changes happen VERY quickly
I'll guide you through the specifics when we are working together

Personality types?

No, you are not "stuck" with a specific type of personality
The "personalty types" are old stereotypes, based on a very limited
understanding of just how individual each human brain is

From the scientific article here: "A person might be seen as more extroverted with friends than with co-workers."

People change, but some people are not paying attention well enough to notice that

No fixed personality

Only 10% of our brain?

No, we do not use only 10% of our brains
Brain scans indicate that we use most of it at different times ...
but how we use our brain and for whatis a very different story

(see the "Most people waste that capacity" part further down)

Medical Technology

100 Trillion Synaptic connections
( connections)

Your mind has extraordinary capacity
and every persons has a unique brain

(link to University of Zürich research)

Your mind, Your body and Your life  can be improved
Learning, Exploring, Inspiring and Freeing
the extraordinary capacity of your Mind

Stanford University

Think about this statement for a moment

"Humans have done so little with the resource, the human brain, the potential for which is so great"

Dr. Alia Crum Professor of psychology and director of the Stanford University Mind & Body Lab Link

Your mind has extraordinary capacity

"In 2016 it was calculated that the Memory of the Human Brain could store the entire Internet"

"Your brain has the capacity to, and does, change throughout your lifetime. A process called neuroplasticity"

"A piece of brain tissue the size of a grain of sand contains 100,000 neurons and 1 billion synapses, all communicating with each other"

but most people waste that capacity

"Of the thousands of thoughts a person has every day, it’s estimated that 70% of this mental chatter is negative — self-critical, pessimistic, and fearful."

"Our brains crave mental stimulation, men especially would rather give themselves electric shocks than sit quietly in a room with only their thoughts."

It seems that people prefer to be doing something rather than nothing, even if that something is negative.

"Chronic stress and depression are rampant in modern life. Either can cause measurable brain shrinkage"

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Some people refer to themselves as introverted or shy and come up with reasons not to meet new people or experiencing new things

Besides the direct effect of a smaller and smaller "comfort zone" (no, your comfort zone is not a stable size) a Harvard study has found that the typical result of avoiding other people is associated with a more than 50% higher risk of early death

Many people even waste their Minds capacity in multiple ways

F. inst by

  • believing in outdated and useless ideas

  • thinking they have to be tough

  • poor sleeping habits

  • frequently feeling bad

  • eating unhealthy food

  • repeating bad habits

  • ignoring loved ones

  • blaming and critizing themselves and others

and more

UNFORTUNATELY it is a long (and growing) list

The actual knowledge of the brain and what is possible has changed and most of what is know about the brain has been discovered in the last 10 years (and less)

This means that many of the newest learnings simply aren't in the public’s awareness yet. So now hope really starts to enter the picture and gives you a chance to open up to the extraordinary capacity of your Mind

"I design personalized Skills of the Mind"

"... so you can experience the effect of 
your mind truly working for you"
- Leif Rasmussen

Leif in Switzerland

You can"Improve your mind"

Humans are amazing at adapting and we can train our minds to master changes

You are improving your mind
for your benefit

©2020 by Leif Rasmussen. Please note. I work WITH doctors and help people have better lives, I am not a doctor or psychologist.

Follow your doctors and health care providers medical advice. Pictures (exept those of me) are of course stock photos for privacy reasons.

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